How to create welcome and closed greetings

Modified on Mon, 16 Sep, 2024 at 10:26 AM

Set up custom welcome and closed greetings in your bOnline phone system to provide a professional touch to your inbound calls during and outside business hours. Greetings play a recorded announcement to callers. Upload or record a greeting of your own, or type a message to be read in a friendly voice.

You can set an optional closed greeting, this greeting will play during closed hours before your voicemail greeting.

Text-to-speech: Give your greeting a name, select a 'Male' or 'Female' voice, type out your message, and listen to it before clicking 'Save'.

Record: Give your greeting a name, record your message, listen to it, and either click 'Save' or delete and re-record if you're not satisfied.

Upload: Give your greeting a name, upload a pre-recorded message, listen to it, and either click 'Save' or delete and reupload a different one if needed. Supported file formats are mp3, aiff, wav,
and flac. 

Library: Your library consists of all your previously created greetings, use this feature to choose an existing message you'd like to re-use.

If you need any more help, feel free to contact our onboarding team at We're always here to assist you and ensure everything goes smoothly!

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